* By clicking CONFIRM, you agree to attend Ocean Summit II in person. If you confirm and do not attend you will incur a penalty.
\n*Take a screenshot of this confirmation page and bring it to the event registration desk.
\n*Do not change your MetFi USERNAME before registering at the event.
\nUSDT sales volume from your personal NFT referrals plus upgrading your own NFT\n will be calculated and the 10 MetFiers with the highest USDT sales volume until May 18th, win the following amounts of METFI tokens.
\n\n# | \nAmount | \nUser | \n
{{ row.place }} | \n{{ row.amount }} METFI | \n#{{ row.nft_id }} ({{$nftLevels()[row.level].name}}) | \n
* Only NFT 5 Dolphins and above will be calculated.
\n* Leaderboard is updated approximately once every 5 minutes.